Archive - January 2007

On speed optimization

The theoretical limit, assuming 300rpm drives, is 200ms per track. Or 400ms per cylinder, or 32 seconds per disk. Most attempts read slightly more than one track. I read 16,384 bytes, or 262ms worth. Right now, if I...

working cause of bit errors

I think I’ve stumbled on something. I don’t think I’m capturing enough data. 13,824 has been my magic number forever.  It was larger than the 13,800 that Marco used in afr.c.  But I’m beginning...

first .adf written

Well, I’ve written my first .adf tonight! I threw together a quick routine on the PC side to query the SX for both sides and all the tracks. It generated a 901,120 byte .ADF file of a disk I had called...

new isr thoughts

While this new ISR is indeed easier to understand and much more simple, I can’t help but remember what else my ISR used to do for me. The four things I really lose are: 1> Any type of double 1’s protection...


I’ve put together a time line of events starting from November 2004, the initial idea.


adding more commands

Now that I *think* I’ve got a handle on the reading portion, I’ve been adding a couple more commands. I added support so that the SX knows what cylinder number it is on.  The F and B commands increase and...